vtwopoint5, you were right -- it's the beginnings of a fair isle sweater. Here is what my gauge swatch looks like. You can see I'm still fiddling with the gauge a little. For reference, the swatch is just wide enough to make a sleeve fitted to my wrist, and the picture was taken in bright sun, so the colors are a little more subdued.
The yarn is New England Shetland by Harrisville Designs, which is just lovely. It softens and fluffs nicely upon washing, and the colors are gorgeous. I'd hoped to make this sweater for a gentleman friend, but of course the design turned out much too pretty, and it will be for me instead. That means that I seriously overbought, and you'll be seeing some hats and mittens in the same colors.
A lot of you who are reading probably found your way here thanks to my dad. Well.. he's great! Thanks, Dad! (He also helps me a lot with resumes.) Along with advertising my blog, he sent me this article, which mentions knitting. While the content itself is not terribly deep, check out the middle picture on the header of the article. If they actually found a left-handed knitter on purpose, then I am tremendously impressed!
[edit:] Actually, it occurs to me that the knitter pictured is probably just knitting not-continentally. Whoops!
You are so brave to be doing the Fair Isle! And I'm very proud of you recycling that green sweater. You go girl!
yes i found you through your dad, while i was feeling sorry because nobody visited my blog...i am still tryng to understand how this works...
it is good to meet a girl on the other side of the ocean who likes to knitt!
visit my blog : www.a-manta-de-penelope@blogspot.com and i promise i will translate it to english.
Tried to comment before but didn't want to sign up for google. So glad you changed it so I don't have to.
Learned of your blog from a post your dad made to a newsgroup. Had to check it out. Love it!
I'm so impressed with how much you get done. I have more started projects than finished ones.
Knit on!
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